Thursday, February 7, 2008

Un- what?

We've all heard words that have the prefix un- to them. It usually means the opposite of something like unwrapping, unrelated, underestimate, un-American, the list goes on. But have you ever heard of an un-contest? Well neither had I until I came across this article. "The UnContest" was announced on Pegasus News, a customize-able local news and information service, on February 5, 2008.

First question that came to my mind was the name, why the un? Because they are completely a SURPRISE! Unlike the other contests Pegasus runs on their site, this contest will not be announced and there isn't even an entry process. You just check your computer and see if you've won! The prizes also range from iPods and computers to concert tickets and free dry cleaning. The prizes you could win are directly taylored to you. But how do you ask? Pegasus states that it is simply the memory in your computer that knows what you like. So you surf the net for things you like and you win prizes that you want with absolutely no notice.

Pegasus claims that other contests only target a limited audience and the UnContest targets anybody and everybody who is on the web. Think about it- is a biker dude really going to enter that free wipes and diapers contest that is targeted to busy moms? Probably not. But with the UnContest anybody can enter and get what they really want! Pegasus also stresses the value of The Daily You, their customized program that allows you to make your own version of the site to fit your needs. They also give you the option of suggesting what prizes they give away!

Heres what you have to do:
1. Register as a user for free and stay logged in when you are using the site.
2. Be sure that your email address and/or phone number you provided is accurate.

And thats it! You can also increase your chances by putting and address or at least a zip code in your profile and by opting in for The Daily You. Every time you use all the cool features on the site it increases your chances as well. If you like to go out to eat, simply use the favorite events or restaurants feature and you might just win tickets or a meal! Nothing will be ever announced and the more you use the site, the better chances of winning you have.

The UnContest is on now and its giving everyday run of the mill contests a run for their prizes. Why not get what you want out of your web surfing experience? I mean I could always use an iPod, a computer, a car..... I guess I better start surfing!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Thanks for noticing us, Brit. One clarification-- We track usage only on our site. We can't track what you do on other websites.

Mike Orren
President and founder
Pegasus News